Category : research

research related material

Written on Oct, 15, 2023 by in ,

So after finally setting the lens stage and getting the camera drive working I’ve been conducting tons of tests to ascertain exposure settings for different stocks, processes and target outcomes. The first is really to get a good method established for printing negatives to PF2 and 3302 using accurate & repeatable D97 processing. As the original materials I have to …

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The beginning and end of Disbanded Cinema 1 : the remains of something broken down or destroyed digging through the storm’s debris in search of survivors sifted through the debris of his flooded house. 2 geology : an accumulation of fragments of rock. 3 : something discarded : rubbish picking up debris after the parade. I am hoping to hold …

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Experimenting with a set up that will allow novel, experimental and new ways of producing optical sound tracks on 35mm and 16mm.

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Written on Aug, 24, 2020 by in ,

Reading Craig Barron and Mark Cotta Vaz’s (1) great book about matte painting has revealed to me the interesting genesis of the optical printer starting with several strands. Starting with Norman Dawn and going through to Clarence Slifer we see the emergence of the requirement for such a machine out of the relation between the camera and its own optical …

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Written on Oct, 09, 2019 by in , ,

  Im trying to devise a way of describing flicker that is mathematically accurate. Frame rates as we understand them for example 24fps or 18fps are only one aspect of the whole picture delivery system. Firstly, often a frame is delivered twice, or three times so this produces a different phonomemalogical  figure, say 48fps. But this figure only counts the …

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Written on May, 18, 2019 by in ,

It may seem a trivial or superfluous thing but here is a tin design (V1) for film cans that I am making for the Archive of films I am collecting / making / ? The lower label allows both an extant record to have its accession date registered OR if it is a work that has been produced then its …

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Written on May, 18, 2019 by in , ,

Here are those  numbers again in their roles as light and dark. Both 108 and 72 have interesting cultural meanings which you can look up for yourself, my only advice being to tread carefully but open yourself to all kinds of wonder. So, the magic number building block for the experiment to reinstate a virtual blade into digital versions of …

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Written on Nov, 01, 2018 by in ,

Can anyone identify this film? Just a few frame scans for some short lengths of nitrate film that were found at the Curzon Cinema in Clevedon. I’ll be doing all the rest of this clip and more over the coming months. I can’t hope to get accurate colour reproduction and these grabs are the best jpgs that the camera can …

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  I’ll be doing these studio tours during the Cinema Rediscovered Film Festival in late July at watershed (mainly). They are tours designed to verbalise what I am doing on several levels. In this regard they are also performances and presentations about ideas, processes, thinking and working collaboratively. There is an assumed ‘intrigue’ or ‘fascination’ with machines that often forms …

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Written on Feb, 17, 2018 by in ,

My MRES was practice based and I was looking at how to formulate an ‘Experimental Archive’ and what this could mean. This MRES is now completed and available to read elsewhere on this website. I am concerned with a certain kind of engagement with the archive because It is really films archival proclivities that interest me. There are film archives …

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