Just been servicing some of my own Eikis for the Bristol 16mm stuff in a few weeks. Two of them fit in the flight case that the geared head came packed in, just without lids. The RT one has been playing up for ages with a problem with power to the exciter lamp. I’ve got a few of these projectors …
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The beginning and end of Disbanded Cinema 1 : the remains of something broken down or destroyed digging through the storm’s debris in search of survivors sifted through the debris of his flooded house. 2 geology : an accumulation of fragments of rock. 3 : something discarded : rubbish picking up debris after the parade. I am hoping to hold …
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Down by the river Dart last week looking and listening to the Bats I took some photos using an LED torch and my phone. The results are ok, but when you look closely they are really blurry, stroby and uneven. This process of looking at night time really appeals to me and I will be doing more using better gear.
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Been getting into workshop hardly at all due to full time kids homeschool. Managed to get in on monday and started on the viewing table area. Ive got a 16 and a 35 and they both need a few bits of work. The 16 has had a full drive belt and bearings service by Lew.G and the picture is the …
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Here’s little old me at the British Museum looking at the case with the Salisbury Hoard. On the left side you can see the miniature shields mounted and they are fantastic. One definitely thinks of badges and toys, talismans. But there is a most concrete sense that you are encountering a kind of ‘modeled reality’. This could be perhaps the …
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Here is the picture of the slide reel I got in the box with a Rank Tutor that I bought on eBay. Its a slide show designed to illustrate camping for the Girl Guides. When I saw it was Nitrate stock I nearly fell out of my canoe!!
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I’ll be doing these studio tours during the Cinema Rediscovered Film Festival in late July at watershed (mainly). They are tours designed to verbalise what I am doing on several levels. In this regard they are also performances and presentations about ideas, processes, thinking and working collaboratively. There is an assumed ‘intrigue’ or ‘fascination’ with machines that often forms …
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I’m really excited about getting hands on with the Curzon Cinema’s (in Clevedon, England) fine collection of projectors and other Cinema apparatus. I first contacted them in 2011 about my idea of doing an ‘Artists Residency’ IN the collection to explore creative projects, repurposings, workshops, events and experiments that all utilise and respond in some way to the objects moving …
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CUBE ARCHIVE This is a framework for developing an ARCHIVE at the Cube Cinema. This diagram shows different classes of unique ‘objects’ that all connect to the Cube, represent or document it or are just part of its hosted collection. Green oblongs are paper/print based objects. Programmes, posters, flyers, etc. Blue Trapezoids are bound books and periodicals, magazines and books. …
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Seems like a good moment to make some documentation of club rombus. Ill make a static page then add to it. Of course all these links really do is gravitate back to the Cube. For Rombus I’m going to have to dig into the paper, fax, photocopy archives. How did we manage before the www? Well we didn’t have …
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