Tollgate House
Around 2006 the Blackout Arts boys (Jem, Chiz, Rod, etc) managed to get a public arts commission to do a series of events at the Tollgate House building, just off the M32 as you enter the city. They asked me to do something so I made a few tracks and then did them live using 2 oscilloscopes overlayed.
Here are some graphics from around that event. In the end I turned the centre image 90 degrees so it was portrait, and copied the other image into both side projections (there were 3 in all). On the night it was extremely cold. Jem Nobel and Rod Machlalan both did large projeciton art works as well which was visible from all over the area for a few days I think.
Amongst the mp3s is a file of one of the tracks I made for the tollgate event.