Getting set up to shoot titles, graphics and other things to 16. Some films will employ content in the VA sound track area but for ones that don’t I must remember to mask off this area with black foil clipped to the glass.

Heres a 16mm frame projected to align the soundtrack, centre point and margins for the printed material.

The film travel and NF are reminders that once printed, this image and thus film will be orientated ready for projection. I could add some perforation markers as well I guess.

The optical soundtrack centre axis probably does shift form print to print, this old TRRL print being a case in point as the peak waves creep near to the edge of the printed area.

Here is a graphic printed out and mounted.

Underneath is an approximation of how it will look once printed to release stock. When I designed this logo, years ago I didn’t plan for it to be photographed and thus reversed. Weirdly then the flint axe and the camera come out correct. Weird. I got this idea when I was projecting some films by Luke Fowler. The ones he made to show with Alasdair Roberts playing live. I turned to him and said, “a bolex is like a folk instrument now….”
Under that is the view through the finder lastly to confirm a pretty good alignment.