Here is the basics of a small rig I am going to use to make digital copies of a small amount of Nitrate film found at the Cube Cinema a few years ago. The b/w positive print dates from 1947 and appears to be a short Charlie Chaplin film.

I am going to have to build a base with X, Y and 0 adjustment and the old enlarger stand really needs something better for the Z adjustment. The light source is an LED array mounted behind an enlarger light box which acts as an excellent diffuser.

The camera is a Nikon 5300. I just bought a macro lens for this and the results look good. Each frame will be copied to highest res and size and combined into a moving image sequence.

The photo shows an old Nikon Micro 55m F mount lens with extension tubes.

The Debrie film mechanism gives very stable registration in tests so far.

I will be doing each frame by hand as there is such a small amount.